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Calculated Field when multiple check box boxes marked


Level 2
Hi Tim, you may also find information in this previous Community thread helpful: "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=b52a816d-88c1-4cb0-9c75-2dd0284b1201&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bmb52a816d-88c1-4cb0-9c75-2dd0284b1201">Projects by priority Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services
7 Replies


Level 5
Hi Tim, I just did a test for a similar purpose about a week ago. :) It's easy with one calculation if I got your issue right: SUM(IF(CONTAINS("Lead generation",What value would it generate),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("Market share",What value would it generate),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("Customer satisfaction",What value would it generate),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("Brand / Reputation",What value would it generate),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("Base revenue / ARPU",What value would it generate),5,0)) Where "What value would it generate" is the label of a multiselect set of chekboxes. I hope it helps, cheers, Imi Imre Magyar VODAFONE Group


Level 7
Hey Tim, Imre has a great solution, but to simplify things, you could set the values for the choices.. Like this: http://drop.workfront.com/2cbb69c132de The option to show values is under Options on the field. Then you can have something like: Jazz - 1 Bulls - 3 Lakers - 5 Then you just set up a calculated field or an expression to add the values. Our consulting team would be a great resource to leverage to help build this all out. Thanks! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 7
Hi Tim, you may also find information in this previous Community thread helpful: "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=b52a816d-88c1-4cb0-9c75-2dd0284b1201&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bmb52a816d-88c1-4cb0-9c75-2dd0284b1201">Projects by priority Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 5
Yep, I was also thinking about this kind of simplification, but for my test purpose the logic was a bit more "readable", I knew directly what meanings are behind the values. ;) Imre Magyar VODAFONE Group


Level 2
Hi Imre, I appreciate the information. I tried it and had to add single quotes around the what value would it generate part to get the system to accept the calculation. When I tried it however it only let me know select one of the check boxes at a time to get a calculation to appear. When I selected multiple check boxes it would generate a zero for the calculation. Here is how my equation came out (maybe you can see something that I misplaced in the equation to allow the multiple check boxes to work?): SUM(IF(CONTAINS("CBS - A3 - Box 2 - Current State Metrics - IEHP Strategic Focus Areas",'Member Experience'),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("CBS - A3 - Box 2 - Current State Metrics - IEHP Strategic Focus Areas",'Network'),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("CBS - A3 - Box 2 - Current State Metrics",'Team Member'),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("CBS - A3 - Box 2 - Current State Metrics - IEHP Strategic Focus Areas",'Operational Excellence'),5,0),IF(CONTAINS("CBS - A3 - Box 2 - Current State Metrics - IEHP Strategic Focus Areas",'Technology'),5,0)) The label of the box is CBS - A3 - Box 2 - Current State Metrics - IEHP Strategic Focus Areas. Each check box (total of 6) are labelled after the companies labels for strategic initiatives. The values for each match the name (ie, Member Experience is the label of the check box and the value of the check box). You were nice enough to give me an equation to try which I very appreciative of. :) If I can't make it work with multiple check boxes selected that's ok as I can switch it up to drop down boxes or radio buttons but I'm trying to lesson the amount of selectable items if possible that check boxes allow for. Thanks, Tim Tim Greek IEHP


Level 2
Hi Dustin, Can you please re-upload or provide the screenshot to another site? I tried to bring it up but it's giving me errors that it's not available. Thanks, Tim Tim Greek IEHP


Level 7
Hey Tim, Some companies block CloudApp, the tool we use for sharing screenshots and videos in Workfront Support. I've re-uploaded it to imgur: https://imgur.com/a/IbgKPVE hopefully that helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront