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Aggregating the % complete


Level 6
We have a report that groups tasks on a custom field (called Functional Area Impacted) and then takes a average of the percent complete of each tasks grouped by the Functional Area Impacted. See screen shot 1. However the AVERAGE of the percent complete is not really what we are looking for. We are looking for the actual duration/planned duration of the total of all tasks assigned to that functional area. For instance on the HR bar it should be 46.5% as per my second screen shot. Any guidance would be GREATLY appreciated. Mollie Shatek JLL

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2 Replies


Level 6
We did try this text mode, but it's still taking the average aggregator.displayformat=HTML aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.valueexpression=PROD(DIV({actualDuration},{plannedDuration})*100) aggregator.valueformat=doubleAsPercent displayname=Percent Complete linkedname=direct querysort=actualDuration textmode=true valueexpression=PROD(DIV({actualDuration},{plannedDuration})*100) valueformat=doubleAsPercent Mollie Shatek JLL


Level 9
I think your problem is this (in bold below) - try a different aggregator function like SUM: aggregator.displayformat=HTML aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.valueexpression=PROD(DIV({actualDuration},{plannedDuration})*100) aggregator.valueformat=doubleAsPercent displayname=Percent Complete linkedname=direct querysort=actualDuration textmode=true valueexpression=PROD(DIV({actualDuration},{plannedDuration})*100) valueformat=doubleAsPercent Alison Wells Community Medical Centers