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Advanced Reporting Help for a Newbie


Level 5
We have been using our Workfront application for almost 6 weeks and the Help and Community sites have really helped advance my skill set even beyond the Systems Admin training (e.g. next level text mode columns), but now I need some expert help please. My VP needs a report that measures the quality of our work and we have agreed to measure it based on Issues (status) as well as % of Issues to Tasks assigned (we haven’t agreed on the % goal yet) but I am a few months away from being able to understand the Advance Reporting training and he needs it asap. I have been able to create the first half of the report (screen shots enclosed) so here are my questions: Can (how) do I create a custom column calculation in the report to calculate % of Issues that are Resolved/Closed to Issues types listed by person? If there are 5 issues (3 Resolved, 1 Closed, 1 Won’t Resolve), then formula = 4/5 = 80% Do I have the right report type to also include a list (count) of all tasks assigned to that same person? How do I include that task list (count)? Once included, can (how) do I create a custom column calculation in the report to determine % of Issues to Tasks based on the report data? If there are 12 tasks assigned, 5 issues per the above, then formula = 5/12 = 6% I can manage exporting this report to Excel to complete the % calculations, but it would be really helpful if I could at least get the data in the report first and foremost. Thanks!

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4 Replies


Level 10
I'm not sure you can do this calculation in Workfront. However, to get you the results needed to calculate percentages externally in Excel, you can group your issues by Issue Owner Name and then a secondary grouping by Issue Status. The "Summary" tab of the report will give you the counts. The second bullet asks for a count of all tasks. This needs to be a separate task report, similar to the first. You can display both reports on a dashboard for visibility. However, the calculations will likely have to be outside of Workfront.


Level 5
Thank you Narayan for your feedback.


Level 8
I think you could do something close in Workfront. We need to break it down a little If you're looking for just issues (not tasks) that are closed/resolved vs just issues that are any other status, you can put in two calculation columns. In the reporting, you need to use the three letter codes for status rather than the full words (Go to Setup, Project Preferences, Statuses then select the issues tab to see the list). So a custom column of: displayname=Number Closed/Resolved textmode=true valueexpression=IF({status}="RLV",1,IF({status}="CLS",1,0)) Will give '1' for closed or resolved issues and '0' otherwise You'll want that to total up based on grouping (user) so you can add a couple of lines to tell it what to do for grouping summaries (aggregation): aggregator.function=SUM aggregator.valueexpression=IF({status}="RLV",1,IF({status}="CLS",1,0)) displayname=Number Closed/Resolved textmode=true valueexpression=IF({status}="RLV",1,IF({status}="CLS",1,0)) You can see where this is going - add a second column switching the calculation around (0 if it's closed/resolved, 1 otherwise): valueexpression=IF({status}="RLV",0,IF({status}="CLS",0,1)) Of course you'll want to time stamp the issues (otherwise after a year I'll have 1,000 closed/resolved issues against a small number of not closed). Now to get that as an average, you can change the aggregator to an average rather than a sum: aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.valueexpression=IF({status}="RLV",1,IF({status}="CLS",1,0)) displayname=Close % textmode=true valueexpression=IF({status}="RLV",1,IF({status}="CLS",1,0)) So those three columns will give you a count of closed/resolved, a count of not closed/resolved and a % calc (it will actually show 6% as 0.06 - you can multiply it by 100 or display it as a percentage). So that's % closed issues. If you also want to look at tasks assigned to a person, you can create a separate report, and then combine the two reports on a dashboard. Finally, looking at the ratio of tasks to issues you would need to do a report based on work items. I'm afraid I'll have to get back to that another time.


Level 5
Thanks Barry I will give that a try. Our consultant did find a way for us to report on both issues and tasks within the same report using an Assignment report so I am going to see if I use your calculations in that report.