For about the past two weeks, I've noticed the Actual Completion Date is recording a completely different time and date than when the task is checked off as completed. I've seen issues like:
a task completed on 4/16/19 2:28pm display an actual date of 4/8/2019 1:00pm.
a task completed on 4/12/19 at 10:35am be listed as completed 4/11 at 3:59pm
Three tasks in one project all checked off at once on 4/18 at 10:47am be listed three different dates but all the same incorrect time. They showed up as 4/16 3:00pm, 4/17 3:00pm, and 4/18 3:00pm.
Has anyone else been having this issue? It's all over the place, back dating and forward dating, and seems to have no relevancy to time zone settings. C. Martin