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Access to inline edit


Level 4
Hi, I am currently working on a report that we would ideally like all the users within our system to use. This is a task report in which I am proposing using fields (see screenshot for columns) attached to a custom form to be edited by all users so they can provide task status updates. Is there a way to ensure all the users have access to edit right from the report, or is this dependent on license type? (I would like to avoid having users open each task individually, as I think adoption of this process will be a lot more difficult for our team.)

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5 Replies


Level 10
Alyson, as long as the users have a Work or Plan license, and the ability to contribute to the tasks in the view, they should be able to in-line edit them. You can test this by using the Setup -> Login As feature and give it a try on behalf of one of your users.


Level 1
I have some reports that used to allow inline editing, up until Thursday of this past week. I have tested this by logging in as the users. The report is built on the Program object. The users have manage access to the programs in question. These same fields are used on other objects, and work fine, such as at the project, task and issue level.


Level 3

We are still experiencing this issue - only System Admins can edit a notes column - but we need everyone who has manage rights on the report to be able to do.


Any date on when this will be fixed?


Level 10
Hi, Because of the new form sharing functionality released in R1, users (except system admins) aren't able to in-line edit when it comes to custom data. We have a ticket in with support and they are working on it. They are hoping to have a fix today. The good news is that the users can still go into the custom form itself to fix the info so it isn't a completely block, just inconvenient right now. Another reason I will miss Early Access, it was great to have other users but me testing out things. It is hard getting them into the Preview environment especially since it isn't SSO compatible yet.


Level 4
I also noticed if you refresh the page a couple of times, it finally lets you edit the field (logged in as user). hopefully they will fix it soon :)