We have set up a PTO request queue in Workfront. The employee submits a request for time off and it automatically routes to their manager for approval. The manager is required to respond within 2 days of the request being submitted. Our admin team audits these requests to make sure that managers are approving/denying within that time-frame.
Since the new approval layout/look & feel rolled out, we are no longer able to see the actual name of who is supposed to be approving the item now. All we can see is that the request is pending approval from "primary contact manager". It would be EXTREMELY helpful for the requests to show the individuals name who the request is pending approval from. The requests also show "Unassigned" so it throws our employees off when they can't see that the request is pending approval from their manager (with their name spelled out). See attached pictures.
We would like to have the manager's name appear again instead of just saying "Primary Contact Manager". It's too tedious to go to the People's tab every time I need to see who the request is pending approval from (and we definitely can't remember who everyone's manager is).