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Search Results by Date


Level 1


Our users have asked if the Search Results could appear in chronological order. We search Projects and would like to be able to have results appear with the most recent projects appearing at the top of the list.




Level 4


This is a must, as i usually have the majority of my projects with a date of some sort. It seems every time i place this "date" in the search field i get my "search criteria" showing up in the custom form and i see 3 years worth of projects. see below

I think we can all agree that the search function really sucks. If you agree, click an up vote and link it to everyone you know so we can get someone working on this quickly.


Level 1


Agree, this is important! In the meantime, we found that using the Advanced Search option provides better output - in a report format that can be filtered/sorted/exported. It's an extra step to do this, but we did share with our users who use Search frequently.


Level 4


I have a user who has requested this as well. Here are her thoughts:

Two things would make the Search feature more useful:
Year-to-Date (or Current Year) date selection option. Currently you have to manually enter the start and end dates (over and over and over).
I dont' see any way to specify Sort Order. I would specifically would like Date Submitted, Alphabetical, Person Who Entered and the option to choose ascending or decending.


Level 10


Agree, we'd love to be able to view the results so that Projects in Current status with an end date in the future are listed first. Then list older Projects in Current status.

And add the ability to sort by the search result categories like Name, Owner, Status and Planned Completion Date.