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Reply to Update SHOULD auto-tag original Update-poster


Level 2


Reply to Update SHOULD auto-tag original Update-poster.

This issue is extremely frustrating for both myself and the entirety of WF users within my org. The issue is Re: Updates/comments...

IF User-B is a recipient of the first Update/comment-message that was posted within WF by User-A who tagged User-B as a recipient (w/ or w/out other users included)...

THEN User-A should be automatically tagged on User-B's reply to User-A's Update/comment-message (as well as any other users that User-A may have originally included).

As it stands now, User-A is not automatically tagged on User-B's reply; to make matters worse, the only user who is automatically tagged in this reply from User-B is User-B. This is not intuitive.

This introduces serious risk into our organization’s communication workflow as it effectively results in messages being sent without arriving at the intended recipient. This is causing critical communications to fall through the cracks. WF's reply system should reliably work. Clear communication - at speed - is vital to our business. When we have threads that include more than a handful of people it is not always possible for the person sending the reply to a Update/comment-message to validate, after they send their reply, that everyone that they intended to be on that Update/comment-message is actually on that Update/comment-message; we should be able to trust that a reply to a Update/comment-message/thread will include all of the pre-existing users on that Update/comment-message/thread including the user who started that Update/comment-message/thread.

Please help?

P.S. - A similar thread might have already been started by another user here on Idea Exchange, but the link that WF presents to me to view that thread appears to be broken or the thread no longer exists:

Thread name: "When reply an update should notice the original comment poster."

Thread URL: https://experience.workfront.com/experience/s/idea/0870z000000XhVHAA0/detail

1 Comment


Level 2


I have on-boarded several new teams onto Workfront within my organization and tagging has been a common pain point, especially for those who work across more than one brand or team. At a minimum, the person(s) who are on the original post should be included in the "Notify" text field when you reply.