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Protect Project Access Permissions When Portfolio is Changed


Level 2


Description - Maintain project access permissions (view, contribute, manage), even when a project is recategorized to another portfolio.


Why is this feature important to you - My client recently updated their portfolios to better organize their work. The outcome was hundreds of projects being recategorized to different portfolios OR put in a portfolio for the first time. Entire groups and teams of users - including those assigned work in the projects, people whose requests were converted into these projects, and people with whom the projects had been manually shared previously - lost access. It created a massive work stoppage across much of the 1800-person userbase.


How would you like the feature to work - Any manually shared project permissions OR those connected to the request that was the catalyst for the project OR people who have tasks assigned in the project are permanently maintained. The integrity of these permissions is critical for work to be done efficiently. No change to the project itself ever disrupts these permissions. (If a task assignment is changed, or a manually shared access is revoked, then that permission can disappear - but only when it is an action related to an individual user - never the project as a whole.)


Current Behaviour - When a project is recategorized to another portfolio (or a portfolio is added after the project begins), sharing of that project is disrupted by the permissions set at the new portfolio.