Description -
Why is this feature important to you - We do not have Fusion and we need an easy way of keeping our projects in synch with templates
How would you like the feature to work - when we update a template, a dialog box displays asking whether we want all associated open projects updated with the changes (modified task text, new tasks, etc.); if "Yes" selected, changes are applied to projects added previously from that template that are not in Closed or Resolved statuses. Task statuses on the affected projects would not be changed. For users not wishing to change in-flight projects, they can select "No." For tasks already Closed, consider skipping changes.
Current Behaviour - Template changes are not reflected in projects. Admins must run reports to identify them and then make manual changes. Most likely, they don't do that work, due to time pressure. When an old project gets copied, therefore, it will have the wrong tasks on it, perpetuating the issue. If the changes were propagated out, more projects would have the current tasks and copying would be more likely to pick up the current tasks.
Thank you.