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PDF Proof Image Quality



The image quality on PDF proofs is very poor. High-resolution images are compressed so they look like they very blurry and even vector images are not rendered in native resolution. Additionally, the color shift is notable. Please support dynamic resolution refreshing and High DPI output so proofs containing critical visual references can be viewed more accurately.



Level 10


Proofs in WF proof are no longer PDFs, they are rasterized into an image, basically a low or medium-res JPEG.

I really hope with Adobe taking over that they will gut the innards of Proof to use their own PDF technology.

In the meantime, you can contact Support and ask them to turn up the resolution on the raster. This will increase the time it takes to convert a document to a proof, so make sure they also turn-up the timeout duration so proofs don't fail.

We had this done to our instance not long after launch. Fairly high-res now, and timeout is something like 40 minutes instead of the default 10.



@CalvinFold thanks for the info. This is very helpful. I'm an end user, so I'm not familiar with which support folks you're referring to. Would this be an Adobe support person or the person within or organization that controls our Workfront instance? In short, is this something we need a Adobe/Workfront rep to change or is this something our admin can change. If it's the latter, is this a setting relatively easy to find? Workfront is relatively new to our organization, so I want to provide as many helpful details to the support folks as possible.


Again, many thanks.