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MS Teams Integration


Level 5


Description - The only way to view a particular project information in Teams is to add the Workfront project site as a site to an MS Teams channel. even then the page cannot scroll left and right and part of the page is missing from the view in MS Teams. Also, some particular tabs from the Project page, such as business case or tabs with charts and graphs do not open properly; they basically open as blank.


Why is this feature important to you - almost everyone in my organization utilizes MS Teams for accessing anything and this will not only make their job easier but also make them actually open Workfront rather than reaching our to other channels to learn about projects in Workfront.


How would you like the feature to work - I would like to be able to access the project site and all the information in it, reports and dashboard, from MS Teams. I like to be able to add the pages to the channels so that staff can access particular items from MS Teams.


Current Behaviour - The site can be added to a channel but there is no scrolling to left and right available on the page. Also some pages just do not load; it seems to be the ones with particular coding features or graphs that do not load.