Besides calculated custom fields it would be very useful to have a library of custom defined functions. These should be able to be used in calculated custom fields, views and filters.
If a calculation needs to be modified to fit changed processes only one place needs to be modified. Additionally it gives the possibility to provide enhanced function to the end user.
# Quarter in which a date occurs.
# Arg 1: DATE: date
# Result: STRING: quartet in which date occurs
# E.g., DATE_TO_QUARTER(June 12, 2018) -> '18Q2' DATE_TO_QUARTER = CONCAT(CONCAT(STRING(YEAR({ARG1})-2000), "Q"), CASE(MONTH({ARG1}), "INVALID", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4"))