Expand my Community achievements bar.

Kanban Board API Call


Level 4


In a Workfront Kanban board, the API calls for 50 items to be displayed when the board loads. In order for more items to display, a person needs to select "Show more work items" each time that the page is reloaded. I would like the API to call for a higher number of items (potentially 100) each time the board loads. This will help team members using the board from needing to click "Show more items" each time the board loads.

1 Comment


Level 1


My team often has 100+ items on the Kanban board at a time. It is not always obvious to the team that they need to scroll several screens down, click "Show more work items" to get the next 50 items and then do the same thing again for items >100.

Additionally, the column counts only reflect the currently visible items, so my team may see only "4" items in the TO DO column count, but "30" items after clicking "Show more work items" twice.