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Create Logic for Repeating Deliveries to send report when results are greater than 0


Level 2


Description - Create Logic for Repeating Deliveries to only send when a report's results are greater than 0

Why is this feature important to you - Workers that handle multiple queues or on multiple teams would benefit from this feature so they could receive a report when infrequently queues have new requests or infrequent team task assignments come in. Report Result > 0. 

How would you like the feature to work - When setting up report Repeating Deliveries, have logic available to apply to a Daily delivery that it would only send if the report had >0 results. 

Current Behaviour - Workers that handle multiple queues or on multiple teams can be inundated by team assignment emails. Sending a Workfront report with >0 results would assist with the workers being aware of incoming work from infrequently used queues or team assignments.