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Allow for the creation of status update templates


Level 3


For consistency, clarity, and accountability across the organization, it would be handy to be able to configure and apply a custom project status update template to all projects:

Today's date with the 'Status Update' title

Current Phase Deliverables sections (completed, currently being worked on, future)

Current Phase Obstacles section

Next phases section

Estimated Project Closure (utilizing an existing custom form field)

Something along the lines of:

{Today's Date} Project Name Status Update

Phase 2 (in progress)

Deliverable 1 Name: The BU and BA are wrapping up validation. It is on track for its 06/30 production release date.

Deliverable 2 Name: Development will be complete this week and handed off to the BU and BA for validation. Deliverable 2 is on track for a 07/15 production release.

Deliverable 3 Name: Development is 65% complete and targeting validation to begin 07/01. Deliverable 3 is on track for a 07/30 production release date.

The lesson learned process item identified in the previous sprint retrospective has been updated in the dev team's procedures.

Phase 2 obstacles:

None at this time

Phase 3:

Deliverable 1 (short deliverable name): 09/01/22

Deliverable 2 (short deliverable name): 10/31/22

Estimated Project Closure:

11/15/22 {existing custom form field}