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Add Approvals to Personal Time Off Calendar


Level 8


The personal Time Off calendar would benefit from built-in approvals.

Marking Time Off on a user's personal calendar should send an approval notification to their manager. Requests that are pending approval could have a different icons/colors on the personal calendar for visual distinction. Ideally, pending Time Off requests would also show up in the User's Home area, similar to other pending requests.

Use Case:

Like any organization, we require management approval for Time Off. As such, our users have to submit Time Off requests through a request queue, which appear on calendars once approved. We also require them to document Time Off on their personal calendars as this impacts project timelines. Implementing the above suggestion would allow us to consolidate these two processes into one while retaining the necessary approvals. And, we would be able to use the new Time Off Calendar featured in the 2019.3 release (https://vimeo.com/352816307/c9988ec54c)

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