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Segment names in UI (RTCDP)


Level 2

Hi all,

I noticed that the UI of the Segments list in RTCDP is very poorly designed and I am hoping for a hack from someone on this.

The Name column is so small in widths that you cannot read most of the segment names and there is no way to change the column size. 


This may be ok if you have a handfull of segments but anything above 20+ segments will be unusable with the current view. Even when you disable columns for the list this is not saved and next time they will display again having you to replicate this over and over again.


Anyone else experiencing this and is there a fix for that? Allowing you to change column sizes by drag and drop would be good enough to solve this.





5 Replies


Employee Advisor


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

@stefanf4441679  I can relate to this, if you have ever worked on Audience Manager the same was the case and was never really fixed. Hopefully the adobe team does make a change here, in addition segments are also missing folders to organise them. 

Meanwhile here's what you could do, click on cog for table settings and uncheck couple of columns to get full view of the name column




Level 2

YES, folders or tags would be awesome as well and shouldnt be to complicated to add I'd hope.


I already found where I can hide columns. The thing is that it doesnt save so everytime you revisit the segments overview you have to hide them again. Not very an efficient UX. 


Level 2

It appears that an update has been rolled out today. The table now looks much more user friendly, the name column is much bigger by default and the "Customize table" function has also received a UX update which includes that any changes you do are saved.


Good job


Level 2

Oh wow, my interface suddenly switched back to the original poor UX again after it being very much improved for a few weeks.


I am back to fixed column widhts and a forgetful "Customize table" function..  


It makes the whole segment exporer almost unusable. Even when hiding all other columns, I cant read the full segment names.


I was definitively seeing an improved UX for some time so I assume there was some sort of A/B test going on.

If anyone from Adobe can kick me out of the control group again I'd be really happy please!

