Hi @Som_Adobe
Please find below answer to your queries:
1. If the EDS Delivery Configurations are created & then the site is created using the site template, it will automatically open the AEM based authoring in the Universal Editor.
Point to Note - While developing with a local AEM SDK, Adobe’s Universal Editor Service can not be accessed from the internet. Reference https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/dev...
2. There is the file named "component-filters.json", which defines which particular components will be part of which section.
"id": "main",
"components": [
"id": "section",
"components": [
Reference - https://github.com/adobe-rnd/aem-boilerplate-xwalk/blob/main/component-filters.json
3. There is no OOTB exporter available for exporting the content created for AEM based authoring directly like we have in AEM Sites. Only solution over here would be writting your own wrappers via servlets or anything else.
4. I would recommend opening the Adobe Support Ticket for the same and check for the security.
5. For the domain, you can either use Adobe Managed Fastly CDN or your own CDN and add the respective traffic rule.
Hope this helps!