Is there a way to get amount of time spent on form each fields.? any recommendations.
update: the below code seems to be working by getting the name of the field and field timing on the browser console. But, it doesnt seem to be working when i include this code in DTM. I could understand sine the page is not reloading and that's the reason it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated
$(document).ready(function() {
var d=0;
var t=0;
$(':input').focus(function () {
d=new Date();
t =d.getTime();
$(':input').blur(function() {
var e=new Date();
var x = e.getTime();
var exit = Math.round((x - t)/1000);
var formPage = document.title;
if($(this).val().length > 0){
Thanks in advance.