We have deployed a custom react app on App builder with API mesh configured for 2 endpoints - 1. Magento 2. AEM
My API mesh endpoint & Magento & AEM endpoints are working fine individually. However, when we are trying to retrieve data from Magento in API mesh, it is failing at some point.
I would like to understand where APP builder stores its logs?
I tried running few commands - but all of them responded blank. Like -
aio app logs
aio runtime logs
aio rt activation ls
Datetime Status Kind Version Activation ID Start Wait Init Duration Entity
─────────────── ──────── ──────── ──────── ─ ───────────── ───── ──── ──── ──────── ──────
Can someone help me on how to debug the application on APP Builder Stage runtime?
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Hi @mkdish
This would be the best spot to start https://developer.adobe.com/app-builder/docs/guides/application_logging/. Do note the portion "Retrieving Activations for Blocking Successful Calls" on this page as well https://developer.adobe.com/runtime/docs/guides/using/logging_monitoring/.
Let us know if that helped!
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Hi Sarah,
I did try all the options - but getting nothing on command prompt.
The AIO CLI App plugin provides the aio app logs command, which fetches the logs for an App Builder application deployed to the App Builder Workspace that is configured in the current working folder:
To see more command options, run aio app logs --help on your terminal.
Screenshots attached.
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