Hey Guys, I'm new to Adobe Target and I was asked to migrate a current solution that is using the old Adobe 4.x version with PhoneGap. In their code which by the way is not totally available for me they use the method
ADB.targetLoadRequest(success, fail, name, defaultContent, parameters);
to get the requests. So I thought that for this I needed to implement
public static void retrieveLocationContent(final List<TargetRequest> targetRequestList,
final TargetParameters parameters)
It seems that the interface changed a bit so I would assume that the TargetRequests is build using the 'name', 'defaultContent' and 'parameters' from the previous call but if that is the case I'm a little bit confused of how to build the TargetParameters class which we did not used to have. is it okay to leave it empty?
I have been trying this combinations but I always get the 'default content' back so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
Thanks in advanced