Hi there
I'm trying to get Target Previews working with the new AEP library for Target. Previously we were using the v4 Mobile Library:
Now we're trying to migrate to the new AEP SDKs:
implementation "com.adobe.marketing.mobile:sdk-core:1.y.z"
implementation "com.adobe.marketing.mobile:analytics:1.y.z"
implementation "com.adobe.marketing.mobile:userprofile:1.y.z"
implementation "com.adobe.marketing.mobile:mobileservices:1.y.z"
implementation "com.adobe.marketing.mobile:target:1.y.z"
The documentation https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/target/using/implement-target/mobile-apps/target-mobile-previ... says this:
Android: In the app , call Config.trackAdobeDeepLink(URL); when the caller is asked to open the resource with the URL scheme that was specified in the previous step.
Which worked fine when we were using the v4 Mobile Library, but I can't seem to do that with the new libraries. What's the new recommended way to continue to use Target Preview? Or is there an alternative?