The below is an example of Target Premium, however the issue encompasses other Adoeb Marketing Tools as well
IU: Adobe Enterprise Dashboard --> Products
IU: Target Premium --> Setup --> Users
When a user is added to a particular Target product configuration on the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard, for example as "Editor", then their access is mapped accurately on the Target Premium user management dashboard (they appear as "editor" in this case)
When the user's access level if changed in Target UI, example from "editor" to "observer", then the user's access is not synced back with Enterprise user management dashboard. On the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard the user appears to still belong to the product configuration with the "editor" access.
It is out of sync and does not give administrators one source of truth / one console in terms of user access
a) Enable sync between the tools both ways.
b) Disable user management in Target UI (keep as a FYI only)