I am trying to use Adobe Target "Profile" REST API. I want to know where can i find your-tnt-id or your-thirdpartyid for below API calls ?
Fetching a profile:
Please guide where can i find this id, as i didn't get any info on this from documentation.
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hi prabakarm88093071,
The mbox3rdPartyID is your company's visitor ID, such as the membership ID for your company's loyalty program.
Which means that this is something that you need to pass in your implementation. Once you pass it you can see it as part of your mbox as a mbox parameter in the network call.
When a visitor accesses a page on which Target is enabled, that visitor is assigned a Target PCID. If the visitor then logs in, and the implementation passes the mbox3rdPartyID to Target, Target connects that visitor's mbox3rdPartyID with the Target PCID.
Ref: Real-time profile syncing for mbox3rdPartyID
For information on how to pass the mbox3rdPartyID as a parameter, refer to section "Page parameters (also called "mbox parameters") " under Methods to get data into Target
Hope this helped answer your question.
I created an Adobe Target Chrome Extension that might help you with this as well. This extension allows you to see your mbox3rdPartyId AND your Adobe Target ID on the ID tab. I also have an example setup for you to see.
1. First, download the extension here:
2. Second, once you have the extension in place, visit MiaProva - Welcome
Click on the ID tab and then you can see the ID you are looking for.
3. If you visit the activities tab on the same page and then expand a test, you can see the Adobe Target mbox calls where the ID's are being passed:
4. If you wanted to read more about what this extension offers, check out this post: Adobe Target Chrome Extension brought to you by MiaProva ·
Chrome extension is useful. I have activated ABTest in Target for a specific page. When I launch the page, i get 'Adobe Target Visitor ID' and 'Experience Cloud Visitor ID', but '1st Party ID' is empty. I am not sure why is the 1ST PARTY ID (MBOX3RDPARTYID) is empty.
When I click on "Activities" tab, it says "No Adobe Target Activities Detected". I see 4 parameters (experience.name, profile.activeActivities, activity.name, and activity.id) enabled under response token. I am not sure why this activities tab shows empty.
To fetch a profile, Should I use
https://<your-client-code>.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/profiles/thirdPartyId/your-thirdpartyid?<your-cli ent-code>
I have the client code already, no issues on that. But, From where can i get your-tnt-id and your-thirdpartyid?
Hi prabakarm88093071, As mentioned earlier, The mbox3rdPartyID is your company's visitor ID, such as the membership ID for your company's loyalty program.
Which means that this is something that you need to pass in your implementation. Once you pass it you can see it as part of your mbox as a mbox parameter in the network call. Otherwise you won't be seeing it. Its not something that is there by default.
Ok, what is that implementation you are mentioning here? Also, to fetch a profile, i just need 'tnt-id' not mbox3rdPartyID, correct?
Yes you can use the tnt-id or the mbox3rdpartyID to fetch the profile. To use the mbox3rdpartyId you will first need to pass it as a mbox parameter as part of the mbox call. For information on how to pass the mbox3rdPartyID as a parameter, refer to section "Page parameters (also called "mbox parameters") " under Methods to get data into Target
If you would want to fetch the profile using the tnt-id, use the mboxPc value from your network call.
Sample call: https://clientcode.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/profiles/0ffb83f399734c0a80db874100028d7d.17_103?client=clientcode
Hope this helps.
I still have doubts on this, couldn't fix it.
Here is my sample code, sending mbox3rdPartyID: Please correct me if anything wrong in it.
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader';
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
import { AdobeTargetForReact } from '/lib/index.js';
class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
let event = new CustomEvent('at-view-start', {
//Adobe Target addition
detail: {
mbox: 'target-global-testmbox',
params: {
//paramKey: "paramValue"
mbox3rdPartyID: "123123123"
render() {
return (
<Template title="My App">
title="New Web Ref App"
innerHTML: 'document.addEventListener("at-view-start", function(event) { var mbox = event.detail.mbox; var params = event.detail.params; adobe.target.getOffer({ mbox: mbox, params: params, success: function(offers) { var e = new CustomEvent("at-offers-received", {detail: {offers : offers, mbox: mbox } }); document.dispatchEvent(e); },error: function(status, error) {console.warn("Adobe Target custom mBox ( " + mbox + " ) request did not succeed :: ", status, error); var e = new CustomEvent("at-offers-received", {detail: {offers : [], mbox: mbox}}); document.dispatchEvent(e);} });});'
innerHTML: 'window.targetGlobalSettings = {globalMboxAutoCreate: false}'
'src': 'https://xxxx/yyyy/zzz/bbb/at-min.js',
'type': 'text/javascript'
export default hot(module)(App);
2. I know well about what is tntid and mbox3rdPartyID (company's visitor ID).
I am trying to use this profile API locally (within our environment - let's say whether localhost or host in a server within our dev environment)
Where can i see "tntid"? Why can't i get "tntid" and use, instead of mbox3rdparty to fetch profile? I am not getting exactly about it.
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Can you please provide updated link for "Methods to get data into Target"? The link is broken, gives "Page not found" error.
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Can you share the URL where this test is in place? I can take a look and let you know exactly what is going on.
You can also email me at brian at miaprova dot com if you want to keep the test info private.
Here are step by step directions on how to find your clientcode:
1. Install the Adobe Debugger (BETA) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adobe-experience-cloud-de/ocdmogmohccmeicdhlhhgepeaijenapj
2. Open the Debugger on the page get the Client Code from the Summary tab. See screenshot below.
Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Rep, Customer Care | Customer & Employee Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335
tntid : This is the ID you receive in the target call headers once you send any request to the target or visit a page where target is implemented
mbox3rdparty ID : This ID is used to sync your customer's data from 3rd party tool with Target. They are basically referring to the unique identifiers of your visitors on your page. This would also require an implementation to pass the 3rd party ID as the mbox parametre in Target call to sync the visitors with your 3rd party tools of the website.
Hope that helps.