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Need help in solving the use case to display recommended items based on most viewed items


Level 2

Hi Community Members,

We are trying to use Adobe Target Recommendations, we need help in solving below use case:

We have a requirement to display most viewed items on the landing page based on behavior of the the user. From the end user's point of view below should work.

  1. The End user sees the Landing page, where in some randomized or all collection of products/items are displayed.
  2. User clicks on various products/items on the Landing Page based on the user's click behavior the corresponding system decides which gender and age group the End user belongs to.
  3. If the End user is female and gender is above 30 show the relevant product or items which are most viewed by this gender and age group.
  4. If the End user is female and gender is below 30 show the relevant product or items which are most viewed by this gender and age group.

Any suggestions or points to understand how to implement this are welcome.



3 Replies



Yash1709​ I would recommend going through our recommendations implementation documentation for the same.

Plan and Implement Recommendations

You can use a popularity based algorithm to generate recommendations and then use inclusion rules to only show products to match the gender and age criteria.

Information on the same can be found at Use dynamic and static inclusion rules

Hope this helps.


Level 2

Shruthi Naomi Thanks for your response.

We analyzed your solution and have some query in that:

  1.     When we select the popularity option how does target tracks the popularity? We see the criteria like most viewed "Across the site". In same lines how do we track the popularity within the segments e.g. most viewed across "Males Under 20".
  2.     If we go by your suggestion and select popularity along with inclusion rules there is no way to deal with segments, inclusion rules require mbox variables which are useful only to filter recommendations.

Any pointers/help will be appreciated.



hi Yash1709​, Target tracks products that have been viewed most often on your site using the mbox data collection and then uses that to recommend items based on popularity.

Yes, to restrict the recommendations to show products for a particular gender or age , you will need to capture the same using mbox parameter or profile attributes. Otherwise there is no way for the recommendation engine to know that a certain visitor on the site is of gender female and age is under 30 .

Information on how to capture this information can be found at https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/ov2/c_methods-to-get-data-into-target.html