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WebLogic to Web Sphere Migration problem


Level 1

I have a problem on Migrating from Web Logic to Web Sphere in RSA for websphere 7.0 .

On clicking prepare for deployment there displaying a pop up error "Deploy has encountered a problem". in details

The error is:

Deploying hqp-ejb
Deployment from com.ibm.etools.ejbdeploy.EJBDeployer had errors:

Error generating findTest(int) query for bean Foo(Abstract schema name=Foo). Error=query cannot be pushed down
Query='SELECT Object (a) FROM Foo As a WHERE a.id = ?1 AND a.code = 'M''.

This application is running fine in Web Logic.

The queries are inside ejb-jar.xml.

Please help to fix the problem.

1 Reply


Level 7

LiveCycle's install bits for WebSphere and WebLogic are different.  You simply shouldn't install the bits for WebLogic and then try deploying to WebSphere.