I use the standard webcam pod that comes with the SDK. My users (Mac users also) have been using it without incident until recently.
I have not updated my software since Nov 16, and it was working for users on that day. Users resumed testing the site today and yesterday, and Mac users cannot use their webcam with my service. On Chrome and Firefox, they don't even get the Flash pop up asking them to allow usage. On Safari, they do, but nothing happens when the click "Allow". Three separate Mac users have reported this to me all using 10,1,102,64 of Flash, and I'm affraid no Mac webcams are working. Have you heard of any other incidents since Nov 16?
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Hi Nathan,
I tested it at my end on Mac and in all browsers using 10.1 player . Things seem fine.
Can you share your code or provide more details.
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Thanks for checking and for your quick response.
Could I email you privately? I can give you access to the same environment my users have.
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Wasn't there a problem for a little while with the OSX 10.6.5 update, and
flash recognizing i-sight cameras? I know I got bit by that during a system
demo where my mac camera didn't work with LCCS. Here's one of many articles
about it:
Just a thought. If I remember right a flash player upgrade to 10.2 fixed
the problem, but it was a few weeks ago.
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Are you using Player 10.2 ? In that case, can you try removing this line from your WebcamPublisher source
var l:int = Camera.names.length;
for (var i:int=0; i<l; i++) {
if (Camera.names[i]==ISIGHT_NAME) {
_cameraNameIndex = i+"";
This hardcoded line was added earlier due to a player bug in MAC( as eric mentioned). You can remove this line and check it out linking to the source and let us know.
Hironmay Basu
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I'm not using 10.2, but if I try that, I'll let you know how it goes.
From our private chat:
I'm on v1.2.5 of the SDK right now. I'll update and let you know how things go.
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After updating to SDK 1.3.5, I'm still having reports of webcams on Macs not working. Chrome and Safari are consistently having problems.
On Chrome and Safari, the user clicks the start button to start their webcam, they click the "Allow" button for Flash, the Flash Settings window disappears, and they cannot see their own video. They're camera light does not even come on.
I don't plan to update to v10.2 of Flash until it's full release. Any other suggestions?
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Ah now that is a completely different problem. That's a flash player /
Firefox / Safari bug and we are plagued with it as well. In fact I think
this one has been around for a long time (a year or more?). Last time I
got an update it looked like flash was pointing the finger at the browsers
and the browsers didn't care. I'd love to know how to get around this if
anyone knows. It's a real PITA especially if you develop on a mac.
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If I'm not mistaken, it's a known issue. Look at the this bug: https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-5730
Fortunately, it looks like the solution is coming.
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Thanks all. I looked back at esteimle's first comment and some of the comments in the most recent bug post, and dug into the Google plug-in issue with my users. It appears that for most people that is the issue. There are still a few others though.
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