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Using NTLM authentication with LC WebService component


Level 3

Hello all,

in a customer project, we need to call a couple of Sharepoint web services from an Adobe LC process. The services require NTLM (Windows integrated) authentication. So far, we haven't been able to get this to work - we always end up with an "domain name may not be null" exception. Everything works fine if clear-text authentication is being used, which is, however, not possible in the production environment.

Is there anyone who can provide a pointer how to get this to work? Is this possible at all (after all, there is no option to provide a domain name)?

Many thanks,


2 Replies


Level 4

Not sure but try using the DOMAIN\username format for authentication and it may work out of the box


Level 3

No, we already tried that -- but when we did, a look inside the server.log file revealed that LC was trying to construct an URL like http://domain\user:password@host ... etc. which, of course, didn't work. So it seems like only plain-text authentication is possible

So it looks like we're stuck ...