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Using a Drop-down list to dynamically determine how many rows are in a table


Level 2

I would like to have a drop-down list that is pre-populated with number determine the number if rows that are in a table.  Does anybody have an example they could show me?



6 Replies


Level 9

Hello Paul,

What's the structure of the table? Is a static one or you are adding rows dynamically?

Lets say it is a static one and the Row numbers are Row1, Row2, Row3 etc. You can write a script to count the number of the rows and in the initialize event of the DropDown you can put the value.

var thisElement ;

    var nodeLength = Table1.nodes.length; // Counts the total nodes present in the table.

    var rowCount = 0;

    for (var i=0; i<nodeLength; i++) { // Loops through the number of rows

        thisElement = Table1.nodes.item(i) ;

   if (thisElement.className == "subform") { // As every row is a subform it searches the term row, if found it increments the row count.

     if(thisElement.name.indexOf("Row") != -1 ){

      rowCount ++;





In the DropDown initialize event = this.rawValue = rowCount;

If the table is dynamic and lets say you are adding the instance of Row1.

then var rowCount = Table1.Row1.instanceManager.count;

Here in the click event of adding button you can put the above script.




Level 2

What I actually want to do is have the number of rows change depending on the number selected from the dropdown list.


Level 9

Then in that case you can use the setInsance method to set the no.of rows.


Level 2

Can you elaborate on this. What would be the syntax of this command.


Level 9

var a; // set the variable depending upoen your need.





Level 2

If I use the value zero it does not work.  How would I remove all the row instances if the value is zero.