We want to upgrade Adobe Livecycle ES2 to ES4 after changing the application server; currently we are using Adobe Livecycle ES2 in Oracle Weblogic 10.0 and our plan is to move it into JBoss application server environment. So can you please answer the below question before we proceed.
Is it considered a fresh installation or we can consider to as a migration? Because we are changing our application server from WebLogic to JBoss.
I've read some docs, but am still confused. I followed http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/11.0/UpgradeChecklist/lc_upgrade_checklist.pdf this link but it's unclear to me whether is it fresh installation or migration?
If it's fresh installation then what configuration files/data can I copy over (if any)?
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.