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Turn off calculations in livecycle.


Level 3


Can you please tell me how can I turn of calculations in livecycle designer. I still want to run other event scripts such as exit event or click. I only want calculation script not to run and those fields as editable by user.

Thank You


4 Replies


Level 3

Forgive me if I misinterprate your question!

But if you don't add any script in the calculate event for the fields you are talking about, the numeric fields (which I suppose you are using) are simply just editable by the user without any calculations?

If this answer doesn't help I think I would ask you to be more specific in your question

Regards, Mattias


Level 3

HI Mattias,

Actually I want to have a checkbox in form that sets calculation on or off. There are two modes of form, one with automatic calculations and other no calc.

There are scripts in fields calculation scripts but I want them to run when form in automatic calculation mode.

Thank You


Level 3

Okay! Then I understand your question!

I would suggest two ways of implementing this performance. Either, you simply do an "if" statement preceding all the calculation scripts, verifying that the state of your document is in calculation mode before doing any calculation. Otherwise I would just have a copy of the pages with input. i.e. one page with scripted calculations to the fields and another page with no calculations on the fields and then simply hiding/showing these whenever you switch the checkbox of calculation.

Hope this will help,



Level 3

Hi Mattias,

Yes. I implemented the same way to have same form again without script and hide or show depending on the selection for calculation.

If statement method is also good.

Thank You.
