I just need the "script" to set the subject line of the email from a drop down list. The rules that are setup in Outlook send the form to the correct folder, based on the subject line...
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You could use this script:
By //fill in subject you have to write the path to your dropdown, for example
var SubjectBetreff = Formular1....YourDropDownName.rawValue;
//fill in e-mail
var Mailto = Formular1.s1.email.rawValue;
//var Mailto = "test@test.de";
//fill in subject
var SubjectBetreff = Formular1.s1.betreff.rawValue;
//var Betreff = "Test-Betreff";
//fill in message
var MessageNachricht = "Content PDF:\r" + "Field content: " + Formular1.s1.inhalt.rawValue + "\rName: "
+ Formular1.s1.name.rawValue + "\rDatum: " + Formular1.s1.datum.formattedValue;
//var Nachricht = "This is a test message.\r2.row start here.\r3.row here.";
//fill in e-mail cc
var CC = Formular1.s1.emailcc.rawValue;
//var CC = "testcc@test.de";
//fill in e-mail bcc
var BCC = Formular1.s1.emailbcc.rawValue;
//var BCC = "testbcc@test.de";
var Mail = "mailto:" + Mailto + "?Subject=" + SubjectBetreff + "&Body=" + MessageNachricht + "&cc=" + CC + "&bcc=" + BCC;
//cSubmitAs: "PDF" send the pdf as attachment
//cSubmitAs: "XML" send the pdf as xml-attachment
cURL: Mail,
bEmpty: true,
cSubmitAs: "XML"
You have to use the script above in a normal button and rename as submitbutton.
Hope it will be helpful?
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I don't know what you mean about renaming a button from regular to submit. Is this in German?? Have anything in English?? Just not sure what some of the words mean in the example, so I don't know how to mimic.
This seems like such a simple task and there are so many posts about it...but I cant get them to work.
Any suggestions??
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var emailSubject = yourDropDown.rawValue;
var emailTo = "example@example.com";
event.target.mailDoc({cTo:emailTo, cSubject:emailSubject});
Make sure your form is Reader enabled.
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I mean you have to use a normal button from the bject library.
If you use drag and drop the button has the button the default name "Button". Renam this caption in "E-Mail send". This is what I mean.
The naem if you don't understand is only a name for the variable and is an combination from english and german.
Subject is the englis word for Betreff
Message is the english word for Nachricht.
You could use this:
//fill in e-mail
var Mailto = Formular1.s1.email.rawValue;
//var Mailto = "test@test.de";
//fill in subject
var SubjectEmail = Formular1.s1.betreff.rawValue;
//var SubjectEmail = "Test-Subject";
//fill in message
var MessageEmail = "Content PDF:\r" + "Field content: " + Formular1.s1.inhalt.rawValue + "\rName: "
+ Formular1.s1.name.rawValue + "\rDate: " + Formular1.s1.dateEmail.formattedValue;
//var MessageEmail = "This is a test message.\r2.row start here.\r3.row here.";
//fill in e-mail cc
var CC = Formular1.s1.emailcc.rawValue;
//var CC = "testcc@test.de";
//fill in e-mail bcc
var BCC = Formular1.s1.emailbcc.rawValue;
//var BCC = "testbcc@test.de";
var Mail = "mailto:" + Mailto + "?Subject=" + SubjectEmail + "&Body=" + MessageEmail + "&cc=" + CC + "&bcc=" + BCC;
//cSubmitAs: "PDF" send the pdf as attachment
//cSubmitAs: "XML" send the pdf as xml-attachment
cURL: Mail,
bEmpty: true,
cSubmitAs: "XML"
I come from Germany and this is my script (therefore in german) I have try to change the german words in english words...
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