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Smileys in a radio button


Former Community Member

Hello all,

I would like to add a mutually-exclusive choice as part of a quality survey. So I want three radio buttons, without text, but instead I want to display smileys (satisfied, soso and unsatisfied).

I cannot find how to include an image into the text caption, or change its type to insert my smiley into each radio button. or maybe another option would be to add an action to each smiley image, so it can be selected.

Does anyone know how to do that ?

Thanks in advance.


11 Replies


Level 10

Use a dingbat font such as Windings.


Level 10

Or download smily icons and place beside the radio buttons. Radzmar's idea is also a best option.


Level 9


Try This.

Font Type : Windings, Type the text without the quotes.

Satisfied : "J"

So so : "K"

Un satisfied : "L"




Former Community Member

Hello Bibhu,

Thanks a lot, it works fine. But it still doesn't answer my question. I

mean it is convenient that I wanted to insert smileys. But what if I want

to insert another type of image (for instance a company survey for a new

logo, to know what people in the company prefer).

I still don't know how to do that: insert images within a

mutually-exclusive radio-button group. Do you know ?

Thanks in advance for your answer.


2012/3/12 Bibhu Bikash Nayak <forums@adobe.com>


Re: Smileys in a radio button created by Bibhu Bikash Nayak<http://forums.adobe.com/people/BibhuBikashNayak>in

LiveCycle Designer ES - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/4261090#4261090>


Level 10

You cannot place images into a radio button group.

But you can place image fields beside the group and remove the captions of the radio buttons.


Former Community Member

Ah ok. I will try that.

Thanks everyone.

2012/3/13 radzmar <forums@adobe.com>


Re: Smileys in a radio button

created by radzmar <http://forums.adobe.com/people/radzmar> in *LiveCycle

Designer ES* - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/4263529#4263529>


Former Community Member

I want to stick my two cents in about using Windings in any documents. They will cause the JAWS screen reader for the blind to read like a drunken monkey and will bounce all over the page after it encounters one. You can use ALT text which is JAWS friendly and get a smiley face by holding down the ALT key and typing a 1 or a 2.


Former Community Member


And thank you for the tip. I'll try it out.

2012/3/13 Cake Diva <forums@adobe.com>


Re: Smileys in a radio button

created by Cake Diva <http://forums.adobe.com/people/Cake+Diva> in *LiveCycle

Designer ES* - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/4264166#4264166


Level 5

Can images be placed on any of the buttons in LiveCycle? I.e. "Button, or "Reset Button" selections. I don't see an option for this like Adobe Acrobat had.


Level 10

No, you need to place a button over top of an image. You can make the button invisible by turning off borders and background colours and deleting any text in the button.