I am testing the process-feature of the Livecycle WorkBench.
However, I am facing some difficulties...
As a matter of test, I wanted to create a simple process which would:
- Fetch an email attachement, an interactive PDF form
- Export the XML data from the form
- send the XML data by email
I manage to do step 1, but as soon as I get to step 2, I have the following problem:
I have the PDF form stored in a variable, of type document, by I cannot use this variable to assign in as input to the "export data" component...
The export data component seems to expect an asset...
If I run my process, with the process as input (in the URI format), I get an input exception saying that my PDF is not in a correct format...
I thought that this test-process would be a simple one
Could someone show me how to achieve this in a process? Thanks a lot!