I'd like to clean up my rooms a bit and need some clarification on the relationship between CollectionNodes and Nodes.
Here's my problem.
I need to track several aspects of a user with SharedCollecitons. What I'd like to do is.
User_Model - publishing
- capabilities
- status
with User_Model being the CollectionNode and the remaining items being the nodes. I would like to access each of the nodes independently in my app. for instance update. - publishing when a users clicks one button and -status when they click another.
I can't figure out how to do this. So what I have is.
Publishing_Model - itemNode
Capabilities_Model - itemNode
Status_Model - itemNode
Each with a different collectionNode to update them.
I can't see why there would be a node if I need a distinct SharedCollection to access each of them...
What am I missing?