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ScreenShare Publisher only works locally


Level 1

I started out with the Publisher and Subscriber apps and I'm able to have subscribers go to a website and view my screen when I'm using the file:\\ protocol to access the Publisher. However, when I use a normal browser window the Publisher opens ConnectNow but doesn't open an actual session. I changed my room URL to use http and was able to get an AIR version I made to connect to the service and give me Publisher User ID and Stream ID, but not every time.

Is this something that's being worked on or am I missing something?

14 Replies



I am not really sure I understand.

Do you use a file:// URL for the room URL ? This should not be working (or again, I don't understand what you are doing )

Can you send us the debug messages from your publisher client ? That would help figuring out what is going on. Thanks!


Level 1

No, I am using the correct room url.

The issue is, I am trying to deploy the Publisher application on a web server, but when I try to use it from the server via http, it opens ConnectNow but doesn't give me a Publisher ID and Session ID, and doesn't open the session for Subscribers to see.



Ok, now I understand. I'll send you a private message with some instructions on how to get more debug info.



I think I am onto something! I need to do check a couple of more things but I should be able to give you a solution sometime tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Level 1

Any updates on this? I really need to get this working.



I also found that the problem may be related to "short" domains (xxx.yyy) and everything seems to work with longer domains (www.xxx.yyy)

Need to see if the code that deals with the domain is part of the SDK or of the hosted SWF (I am not very familiar with the screensharing code but the screenshare expert has already left for the holidays).

If you are really in a rush you should try hosting your SWF on a different domain (use www.yourdomain.com instead of yourdomain.com) but is the fix is in the SWC (and it's easy) I'll try to post a new one here (let me know what version you are using since I would like to avoid having to rebuild all versions of the SWC)


Level 3

Thank you Raff, it's working with the www.



Level 1


It is working for me on Publisher, but ONLY on Firefox on Windows. IE and anything on Mac is still coming up empty. I am using the player9 SWC.


Please let me know what you think about this and if you can do something in the SWC to fix it for me today if at all possible.





Is your SWF hosted on a "simple domain" ? (i.e domain.com ?).

I have found and fixed this particular problem, but apart from that I can use screensharing on a Mac (tried Firefox and Chrome) and on Windows.


Level 3

No Raff, only with www. or long domain name like zzz.mydomain.com

Take a look on this : http://escale.net/mundo

into the html code. :

and not


Le 2010-12-21 à 17:21, Raff. a écrit :

Is your SWF hosted on a "simple domain" ? (i.e domain.com ?).

I have found and fixed this particular problem, but apart from that I can use screensharing on a Mac (tried Firefox and Chrome) and on Windows.



Level 3

ouppps sorry...

No Raff, only with www. or long domain name like zzz.mydomain.com

if I call my swf without www  ex.:  http://escale.net/mundo
I have to put this param into my code :
param name="movie" value="http://www.escale.net/mundo/mundo.swf"



Yes, I found and fixed the bug and it will be in the next SDK release (not too far away)



Level 3

Great !

Thanks and merry Christmas to you & your team.


Le 2010-12-22 à 16:22, Raff. a écrit :

Yes, I found and fixed the bug and it will be in the next SDK release (not too far away)




Level 1

Yes, it is now working on my Mac on all browsers, but only with the www. Thanks for checking into this, and please update us when you can.

Merry Christmas...