I have a pdf form which seems to have been produced by Acrobat.
It required editing for some simple text changes. This was no problem using Acrobat, saving the form to remove security settings, and then using the Tools - Content - Edit Document Text option.
But this form also has fillable form fields on it, one of which required editing for font size.
Despite the fact that there were no security settings at all on the form, the form field was not selectable using the Edit Object option.
So I opened the form in Livecyle Designer, edited the form field and saved the pdf again.
Now whenever I open the pdf using Acrobat Pro X, the Comment panel always opens on the right side of the form.
And also, the Submit Form button does not automatically show in the purple ribbon at the top of the form.
Is there any other way of getting at the form fields to edit font size?
Also, why does the Comment panel now persistently show up?
And where has the Submit button gone to?
Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this.