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LCCS on Flash 11 Flash Builder 4.6


Former Community Member


We have moved to flash builder 4.6 sdk 4.6 for our development. We want to incorporate LCCS collaboration in our application. Is LCCS swc for flash 11 going to be available anytime soon? I only see 10.3 version in downloaded sdk.

2 Replies



The only reason why we have SWC for different versions of the Flash player is because we can't support new feature and keep backward compatibility (i.e. 10.x added support for rtmfp and p2p, and 10.3 added support for echo cancellation) but otherwise you can use any of them with any higher version of the Flash player (I tend to use the Flash 9 version for everything unless I need some of the newer features).

If you are talking about a specific version for Flex 4 (i.e. Spark components) we have an alpha/beta version posted on the forum but development has been stopped so if you want to use it you'll have to take it from there.


Former Community Member

Hi Raff,

Thank you for your response and clarification of different sdks.

My interest is to setup a working LCCS sdk for flex SDK 4.6. I am not perticularly interested in Spark components.

I took source code of 10.3 LCCS sdk, in my project and updated video sample to run on Flex 4.6 sdk. When I run the sample I am getting blank screen. Is this expected behavior? Can 10.3 LCCS SDK source code work with Flex SDK 4.6? Or spark components are only option to get sdk working with Flex SDK 4.6? I understand that there is no more new development on LCCS SDK, but can we have atleast a maintenance release compatible with Flex SDK 4.6?

Following is my updated video app sample for your reference. I used correct userid,password and room url when running this sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


                                 xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:authentication="com.adobe.rtc.authentication.*" xmlns:session="com.adobe.rtc.session.*" xmlns:collaboration="com.adobe.rtc.collaboration.*">


                    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->



                              userName="<user name>"

                              password="<password>" />





                    import com.adobe.coreUI.controls.CameraUserBar;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.collaboration.WebcamSubscriber;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.events.CollectionNodeEvent;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.events.SessionEvent;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.events.SharedPropertyEvent;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.events.StreamEvent;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.events.UserEvent;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.messaging.UserRoles;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers.StreamManager;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers.descriptors.StreamDescriptor;

                    import com.adobe.rtc.sharedModel.SharedProperty;


                    protected var _camSubscribers:Object;

                    protected var _currentSubscriber:WebcamSubscriber ;

                    protected var _sharedProperty:SharedProperty ;



                    *  Handler for the stop and start buttons.


                    protected function startBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


                    if ( startBtn.label == "Start" ) {


                    startBtn.label = "Stop" ;


                    if (_camSubscribers && _camSubscribers[cSession.userManager.myUserID]) {

                    var webcamSubscriber:WebcamSubscriber = _camSubscribers[cSession.userManager.myUserID];



                    }else if (startBtn.label == "Stop" ){


                    startBtn.label = "Start" ;





                    * SynchronizationChange event handler. Initialize the Shared property used to sync the Subscriber info

                    * who would be the centre of the app.


                    protected function cSession_synchronizationChangeHandler(event:Event):void


                    if (cSession.isSynchronized) {

                    _sharedProperty = new SharedProperty();

                    _sharedProperty.isSessionDependent = true ;

                    _sharedProperty.sharedID = "webcamShare2" ;

                    _sharedProperty.connectSession = cSession ;




                    _camSubscribers = new Object();








                    *  Set up a thumbnail subscriber for every new camera stream


                    protected function onStreamRecieved(p_evt:StreamEvent):void


                    if (p_evt.streamDescriptor.type == StreamManager.CAMERA_STREAM) {






                    * Clicking a subscriber updates the shared value, which in turn enlarges the thumbnail after getting updated


                    protected function onClick(p_evt:MouseEvent):void


                    if ( (p_evt.currentTarget is WebcamSubscriber) &&  !(p_evt.target.parent is CameraUserBar)) {

                    _sharedProperty.value = (p_evt.currentTarget as WebcamSubscriber).publisherIDs;





                    * Clean up when a user stops publishing his camera or exits his app.


                    protected function onStreamDelete(p_evt:StreamEvent):void


                    if (p_evt.streamDescriptor.type == StreamManager.CAMERA_STREAM) {

                    if ( _camSubscribers[p_evt.streamDescriptor.streamPublisherID]) {

                    var webcamSubscriber:WebcamSubscriber = _camSubscribers[p_evt.streamDescriptor.streamPublisherID];

                    if (webcamSubscriber) {



                    if (p_evt.streamDescriptor.streamPublisherID != cSession.userManager.myUserID) {



                    delete _camSubscribers[p_evt.streamDescriptor.streamPublisherID];


                    webcamSubscriber = null;

                    } else {

                    if (_currentSubscriber && _currentSubscriber.publisherIDs[0] == cSession.userManager.myUserID) {

                    _sharedProperty.value = null;








                    * Logic for handling the Pause event on CameraUserBar on every Subscriber


                    protected function onCameraPause(p_evt:UserEvent):void


                    var userStreams:Array = cSession.streamManager.getStreamsForPublisher(p_evt.userDescriptor.userID,StreamManager.CAMERA_STREAM);


                    if (userStreams.length == 0) {

                    trace("onCameraPause: no userStreams");




                    for (var i:int = 0; i< userStreams.length ; i++ ) {

                    if (userStreams[i].type == StreamManager.CAMERA_STREAM ) {





                    var streamDescriptor:StreamDescriptor = userStreams[i];

                    if ( streamDescriptor.streamPublisherID == cSession.userManager.myUserID ) {






                    * Initial set up of all users who are streaming when this app launches


                    protected function addExistingStreamers():void


                    var streamDescritpors:Object = cSession.streamManager.getStreamsOfType(StreamManager.CAMERA_STREAM);

                    for (var i:String in streamDescritpors) {






                    * Helper method to create a thumbnail subscriber.


                    protected function setUpfromDescriptor(p_descriptor:StreamDescriptor):void


                    if (! _camSubscribers[p_descriptor.streamPublisherID]) {

                    var webCamSubscriber:WebcamSubscriber = new WebcamSubscriber();

                    webCamSubscriber.connectSession = cSession ;



                    webCamSubscriber.webcamPublisher = webCamPub;


                    webCamSubscriber.sharedID = p_descriptor.streamPublisherID;

                    webCamSubscriber.publisherIDs = [p_descriptor.streamPublisherID];

                    webCamSubscriber.height = webCamSubscriber.width = 180;

                    webCamSubscriber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);


                    _camSubscribers[p_descriptor.streamPublisherID] = webCamSubscriber;





                    * This method is the listener to SharedPropertyEvent.CHANGE event. It updates the centred subscribes as its value

                    * changes.


                    protected function onChange(p_evt:SharedPropertyEvent):void


                    if ( _currentSubscriber != null ) {





                    _currentSubscriber = null ;



                    if ( _sharedProperty.value == null || _sharedProperty.value.length == 0 ) {

                    return ;




                    _currentSubscriber = new WebcamSubscriber();

                    _currentSubscriber.connectSession = cSession ;


                    _currentSubscriber.webcamPublisher = webCamPub ;

                    _currentSubscriber.publisherIDs = _sharedProperty.value ;



                    _currentSubscriber.width = _currentSubscriber.height = 500;





                    * Logic for handling the Close event on CameraUserBar on every Subscriber


                    protected function onUserBooted(p_evt:UserEvent=null):void


                    var tmpFlag:Boolean = false;

                    if (_currentSubscriber && _currentSubscriber.publisherIDs[0] == p_evt.userDescriptor.userID) {

                    if (_currentSubscriber.parent) {





                    _currentSubscriber = null;

                    _sharedProperty.value = null;


                    tmpFlag = true;



                    if ( _camSubscribers[p_evt.userDescriptor.userID]) {

                    var webcamSubscriber:WebcamSubscriber = _camSubscribers[p_evt.userDescriptor.userID];

                    tmpFlag = true;



                    if (tmpFlag) {


                    startBtn.label = "Start";









          You would likely use external authentication here for a deployed application;

          you would certainly not hard code Adobe IDs here.


          <session:ConnectSessionContainer id="cSession" authenticator="{auth}" width="100%" height="100%" roomURL="<roomurl>">

                    <mx:VBox id="rootContainer" width="100%" height="600" horizontalAlign="center">

                              <collaboration:WebcamPublisher width="1" height="1" id="webCamPub"/>

                              <mx:VBox width="500" height="500" id="centeredSubscriber" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>

                              <mx:Label text="Click on a Subscriber thumbnail to make it bigger." />

                              <mx:HBox width="100%" height="200" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="top" id="smallSubscriberContainer" creationComplete="cSession_synchronizationChangeHandler(event)"/>

                              <mx:Button  id="startBtn" label="Start"  click="startBtn_clickHandler(event)" height="20"/>


