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Launchpad Error


Level 2


I'm having a problem with a fresh LC Rights Management installation.

We already setup a real SSL certificate, changed the ports (8080 to 80, 8443 to 443) in the Connector settings of JBoss.

I created some users and assigned them every immutable role available in adminui.

We can successfully connect from Launchpad to the Server so that it show the 'RIGHTS PROTECT DOCUMENT' icon.

But when I throw a PDF at it and apply a simple policy, it shows me this error:

DSC Invocation Resulted in Error: class com.adobe.idp.DocumentError : java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect : java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

At the server.log file what I see is:

2011-03-28 11:13:46,145 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.Document] DOCS001: Unexpected exception. While doing first time passivation for a document..

com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

                at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivateInitData(Document.java:1573)

                at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(Document.java:1252)

bla bla…..

and the next relevant block starts with:

2011-03-28 11:13:46,145 INFO  [STDOUT] [LCDS][ERROR] Exception when invoking service 'remoting-service': flex.messaging.MessageException: DSC Invocation Resulted in Error: class com.adobe.idp.DocumentError : java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect : java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

  incomingMessage: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage)

    operation = protectDocument

    parameters = [ASObject(1472047942){policyName=prueba Viernes, inDoc=ASObject(801764914){transactionBound=false, text=null, bytes=null, referenceType=1, charsetName=null, fileRef=null, xml=null, attributes=null, contentType=null, maxInlineSize=0, disposalTimeout=0, url=http://xxxxx.purposelychanged.cl:80/DocumentManager/docm1301070220983/244a2138f47724fd20533e1845769735}, documentName=2419.pdf}]

    clientId = B73781B1-9D0B-62AA-A521-7318F4B96B75

    destination = RightsManagementService

    messageId = 7E48D07C-E66E-91D3-A7B3-FCD1551F417C

    timestamp = 1301321605101

    timeToLive = 0

    body = null

    hdr(DSId) = B734CB10-E81C-EA48-A152-112634257EE9

    hdr(DSEndpoint) = remoting-amf

  Exception: flex.messaging.MessageException: DSC Invocation Resulted in Error: class com.adobe.idp.DocumentError : java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect : java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

                at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivateInitData(Document.java:1573)

                at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(Document.java:1252)

bla bla…

What can I do?

Or where can I search for the problem?

Thanks a lot for the help..



3 Replies


Level 8

I assume that you were able to specify the server settings in Launchpad to use the https protocol using the 443 port.  Did Launchpad complain about the certificate or anything else?

Can you connect to the LC server and apply a policy using Acrobat?  That would isolate it to a Launchpad problem vs a RM issue.

Remember to make sure you change the RM settings in the RM configuration page.

  • Login to adminui
  • go to: Home > Services > LiveCycle Rights Management ES2 > Configuration > Server Configuration
  • update the base URL field and save


Level 2


Thanks for yor quick answer.

Look, I was able to apply a policy from Acrobat and opening the secured document later.

In launchpad I'm having this problem both if i set it to http with port 80, and https with port 443.

It logs me in, though, and it doesn´t complain about the certificate.

The Base URL I have on the server has this form:


without ':443'. But i think it doesn´t make any difference.

In the error log it shows something related to LC Data Services, around not being able to invoke the 'remoting' service.

This server has a partial turnkey installation. We didn´t install LCDS, but I'm assuming it was somehow embedded with LC Forms.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,



Level 8

Okay, that's good news.  At least we know that RM is okay.

You are correct in your assumption that you don't need to install Data Services.  There is a version of DS embedded in LC for the purpose of calling LC services via Flex apps (which Launch Pad is).

CodeDOCS001: Unexpected exception. com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: Failed to connect to LiveCycle server via HTTP URL                                                            (Core - Document Manager)
This  error might be occasionally encountered by java applications that  invoke LiveCycle Services using LiveCycle                            Client SDK. This problem happens only when  the client application runs under Sun JVM 1.5. The problem is typically  accompanied                            with the following exception stack trace:

java.lang.NullPointerException                             at  sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Source)  at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown                            Source) at  com.adobe.idp.DocumentManagerClient.requestRemotePassivation(DocumentManagerClient.java)
Caused by a bug in Sun JVM 1.5. Sun JVM 1.6 has fixed this problem. Upgrade your application to Sun JVM                            1.6.

  • As far as the remoting connection to RM - can you check to see if the remoting endpoint for RM is still running?
    • login to adminUI
    • go to:  Home > Services > Applications and Services > Endpoint Management
    • Type "rights" in the Name field and click Filter
    • There should be 3 entries for RightsManagementService.  One should have Remoting as the provider.   Check to see if the status is "Enabled".  If it is not,  you can enable it using this screen