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JavaScripting for check work button in LiveCycle Designer


Level 3

I'm using an HTTP button to check fields on a form before submitting. Can anyone help?

I need JavaScript to tell it to:

Check the total in the description of work table and make sure it’s 100%--return an error if it’s not

Check the other mandatory fields and return an error if they aren’t completed – it’s an XML submit button in LiveCycle so it is currently doing that

Give a “success” message when everything is completed

DO NOT generate an email when everything is OK – just the success message.

Buttons on my form – the one I’m needing help with is check form before submitting


This is how the button is currently set up.


This is the table where I need the total percentage of time to be checked to be sure it’s 100%.


This shows the hierarchy and naming of the table.


Formula for total in table.


4 Replies


Level 3

I tried this for checking the mandatory fields, but I have a syntax error in line 8 and I don't know what it is.

function validateForm ()


var bMsg = false;

//loop through all pages in the form

for (var nPage=0; nPage<xfa.host.numPages; nPage++)


//loop through fields in the page

var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPage, “field”);

var nNodes = oFields.length;

for (var n=); n<nNodes; N++)


//if the field is required

if (oFields.item(n).validate.nullText==”error”)



if (oFields.item(n).rawValue==”” ||




bMsg = true;





if (bMsg)


xfa.hostmessageBox (“At least one required field is empty”);

return false;


return true:


function restoreField(fld)


var oFld = xfa.resolveNode(fld);

var uiFld.ui.resolveNode(“#textEdit#);

if (uiFld == null)

uiFld = oFld.ui.resolveNode(“#choiceList”);

if (uiFld != null) // only handles text field and list box


//restore the original white color

uiFld.border.presence = “visible”;

uiFld.border.fill.color.value = “255, 255, 255”;



function highlightField (fld)


var oFld = xfa.resolveNode(fld);

var uiFld = oFld.ui.resolveNode(“#textEdit”);

if (uiFld == null)

uiFld = oFld.ui.resolveNode(“#choiceList”);

if (uiFld != null) //only handles text field and list box


//restore the original white color

uiFld.border.presence = “visible”;

uiFld.border.fill.color.value = “255,255,128”;




Level 10


Might be just the forum editor, but this quotes used seem to be the fancy ones like Word uses.  Also this line is mucked up;

for (var n=); n<nNodes; N++)

I presume it should be, something like;

for (var n=0; n<nNodes; N++)

Maybe a link to the actual form would be easier.




Level 3

Thanks. The quotes are "" in LiveCycle. I've been working with the code in a Word document, so that's why they pasted over as quotation marks.

My IT environment won't allow me to post the form where others can access it. :-/

The line with the syntax error is:

var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPage, “field”);


Level 10

Hi, I you retype the quotes in LiveCycle Designer then you will get rid of the MS Word quotes and then syntax wise that line will be fine.