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Increasing the quality of screen sharing picture


Level 2

Dear collegues,

I'm trying to make my LCCS screen sharing video more sharp. By default it looks a little bit blurry and artifacted.

Documentation on ScreenSharePublisher (http://livedocs.adobe.com/labs/acrobatcom/com/adobe/rtc/collaboration/ScreenSharePublisher.html) says, that ScreenSharePublisher class provides ability of "setting stream properties (frame per second, key frame Interval, qualities etc. Explain in detail in later API section.)"

What is that "Later API section"? I did not find it. Yet I found the following portions of code in the example file named "ScreenSharePublisherFlashOnlyExample.as":

_sspublisher.quality = DEFAULT_SS_QUALITY; 

_sspublisher.performance = DEFAULT_SS_PERFORMANCE;

_sspublisher.keyFrameInterval = DEFAULT_SS_KFI;

_sspublisher.fps = DEFAULT_SS_FPS; 

_sspublisher.enableHFSS = DEFAULT_SS_ENABLEHFSS;

_sspublisher.bandwidth = DEFAULT_SS_BANDWIDTH;

Here are those constants defined:

protected static const DEFAULT_SS_PERFORMANCE:uint = 70;

protected static const DEFAULT_SS_KFI:uint = 20;

protected static const DEFAULT_SS_FPS:uint = 4;

protected static const DEFAULT_SS_QUALITY:uint = 75;

protected static const DEFAULT_SS_BANDWIDTH:uint = 125000;

protected static const DEFAULT_SS_ENABLEHFSS:Boolean = false;

I've tried to play with the numbers, but the only thing I got is that I could make picture more blurry by setting sspublisher.quality=30. Setting sspublisher.quality to 100,90,80 does not seem to result in better picture. Setting sspublisher.bandwidth=1000000 does not help either, nor the sspublisher.performance=100 or sspublisher.performance=0 does.

Would you please provide the explanation of the picture quality settings for the LCCS screen sharing feature?

1 Reply



Hi Timur,

Can you check your ScreenShareSubscriber's resolution. It might be possible that resolution is so high that quality changes are not getting reflected.

Also can you confirm if you are changing the ScreenSharePublisher settings before you begin to screenShare.

