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how to show field value


Level 1

hey, sorry my english isnt perfect. Who can help me , how to show value of fields ?

how to get value of nip1[0] ??


[ Moderator: Moved to LiveCycle Designer forum ]

10 Replies


Level 10

If you have a breakpoint in the validate of NIP1 then type "this.rawValue" (no quotes) in the debugger console and press control-enter.  Otherwise, you can use the JavaScript dot references following your structure so Strona1.Naglowek.NIP1 ... depending on the current context.


Level 1

ok, itworks, but how to get value of display ? there is no function validate


Level 10


You have lost me, if it works then you should now know how to display the value.

The validate I was referring to was the code you have in the validate event of NIP1, which is what you have highlighted in the screen shot


Level 1

i have next question. Powershell with itextsharp can display this value ?


Level 10

I haven't tried, but would imagine so.  Something for the itext forum


Level 1

xfa.deklaracja.strona1.naglowek.rawvalue; nip should work ?? but this doesn't work...


Level 10

The reference is case sensitive and the group item naglowek doens't have a rawValue property, you need the NIP1 after it


Level 10

I'm a bit lost now, this thread started with a question about using the Acrobat debugger, then there was an iText question.

I'm not sure what you were trying to do with that field reference and in which context.

Are you trying to get the combined value of the NIP1 and Naczelnik fields?


Level 1

ok i can get value of field:


return Jack

when i run:



In my pdf still is Jack, why ? I set in this field tom. Can someone explain me ?