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How do I make a HTML Form? - URGENT HELP!


Level 2

Hi, I have ES4 (I am just teaching myself all aspects at the moment so bear with me please!)

I finally finished a major form, and uploaded to our website to test.  As this will be viewed by many different people, I cannot decide how they will open it (e.g. which browser they will open it in etc.)  I opened it in Internet Explorer and all seems fine.  And then I attempted in Google Chrome, which resulted in the Please Wait... screen.

I thought maybe I could bypass this by forcing it to download by changing the HTML in the website back end using:

<a href="/files/adlafjlxjewfasd89asd8f.pdf" download="expenses.pdf">Download Your Expense Report</a>

Great! It downloads, but still tries to open in Chrome so still doesn't work.

I have read many posts saying that in ES4 I can "make my form in HTML"  But I don't quite understand how to do this or even where to start.  Is it possible for someone to give me some basic instructions on how to get started?  I am a quick learner and can usually figure things out on my own, but I don't even know how/where to go to start it.  And would I need to make my form all over again?

Ideally would there be another way to bypass it? e.g.  Forcing the download like I had done, and then also forcing it to open in the "system viewer" instead of through the browser?  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated please!

3 Replies


Level 4

If you don't need the dynamic features of LiveCycle, you can save the form as static. This will render on most PDF viewers. Alternatively, you could add a page zero with instructions on how to use the form:

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Changing Page Zero content in Designer

The HTML functionality of LiveCycle is a server product, not included with the standalone / Acrobat bundled Designer.


Level 2

Thank you, but I had my work purchase this program for me so that I could have Dynamic forms.  Very much needed for what I am trying to do.  Are you basically saying I can't make a HTML form with the program I have?  So there would be no way around my forms opening in Chrome/Safari or similar?


Level 4

Refer to this document for some suggestions:

AEM 6.1 Forms Help | PDF Forms to HTML5 Forms

If all you own is Adobe Designer, you can author forms (XDP). Those forms become HTML when rendered using the Adobe LiveCycle / AEM server components, which is a separate product.