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Having issues inserting checkboxes controls in a table [form attached]


Level 2

I'm having problems with checkboxes inside of tables that has multiple columns and/or rows.  When I insert the control in the first row all looks well.  When I insert the control in the second column the spacing gets off track (you will see this highlighted in pink on my form).  The other issue I have is when I create a checkbox that has a two line statement the box itself never aligns to the top of the first statement (you will see that as well in my form).

If anyone has any solutions it will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for taking the time to look at my project.


5 Replies


Former Community Member

When you place an object into the cell of a table it will size itself to take up the whole cell. So in your case the checkbox is trying to space itself to fit the width of the column. If you reduce the width of the column then it will adjust the space for the caption and the space for the checkbox.



Level 2

I've tried that but I've noticed that when I adjust the columns it throws the boxes in the first column off and I have to adjust each statment manually which takes forever and if you noticed in the 2nd column I have one box there that I can't even resize.


Former Community Member

If you resize from the right hand column then it will not touch the left alignment.

The other option is not to use a  table but merely build your own structure using subforms.



Level 2

How would I go about utilizing the subform feature? Do you mean create the table andjust use 3 columns and 2 rows stretch the 2nd row and convert it to a subform and use the line tool to draw the lines? Or another easier method? Thank you!


Former Community Member

I am suggesting not using a table at all but creating the structure of a tabel using your own subforms. You could have a Header (positioned subform) where you place all of your titles for the colums, then you woudl add the Row subform where you place the checkboxes (positioned of course). Then each object is independant of the other and you can adjust them as you see fit.
