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FlashPlayer 11 (non-debug only) + LCCS v2.1.0 targeting FP 10.0 not loading content


Level 4

Is anyone still compiling apps with LCCS 2.1.0 targeting FlashPlayer 10.0 and running the app in a FlashPlayer 11 ( non-debug ) ?

* Not an issue when I target LCCS 2.1.0 to FP 10.3 but I can't upgrade just yet because of some of our customers

Most of my UI elements ( mx:boxes, video, audio...etc  doesn't show up) just trying to see how wide spread is this problem ( it's hard to debug when the issue only occurs in a non-debug version of FlashPlayer 11 )

I was able to collect LCCS info and seems like I'm connecting to a room and all is good, the camera input starts but I don't see any of the UI components:

Any ideas / clues / similar experiences ?


Alex G.

6 Replies


Level 3

Hi, Alex, assuming I understand the problem correctly, I cannot reproduce it.

A few questions:

1) How are you setting the targeted player?

2) I take it you're using the Player10 LCCS swc?

3) Which version of the Flex SDK are you using?

4) do non-LCCS UI elements show up?

5) Mac or Windows or both? Have you tried on more than one browser?




Level 4

1) -swf-version is not set when targeting 10.0; -swf-version=12 was set for FP 10.3 integration

2) Correct, LCCS v2.0.0/2.1.0 for Player10.0

3) Flex 4.1 SDK

4) No, non-LCCS elements do not show up

5) Both, Mac and Windows. Yes, Chrome, Firefox ( 3.6 and 7 ), IE 8/9

We found out where the problem lies; fyi our init process is 3 steps:

1) init data

2) connect to room - lets call it lobby view / intermediate room that has no significant UI to indicate we are connectingto LCCS room

3) and finally the full UI that a teacher / student sees

When we get the room URL we also destroy the 'lobby view' room right before rendering the video/audio/full UI to the user. At this point we set the instance to null "_lobbyView = null". Somewhere later in the code _lobbyView is referenced but it's null even though we have null checks around all of _lobbyView instances :/

This line of code causes a Flash RTE but ONLY in a non-debug version of FlashPlayer 11 and I think we are now finding evidence that this issue has been happening in FlashPlayer 10.3 but much rearer. So after our users started upgrading to Flash Player 11 we started seeing the problem show up very frequently. Without code changes on our end, it's odd that upgrade to either the LCCS lib (to Player10.3 lib) or FlashPlayer itself we start seeing this problem come up.

Thanks for the quick response

Alex G.


Level 3

Thanks, Alex,

Sounds like you’ve done quite a bit of research into this already. However, I think I’m confused.

lobbyView is null when it should not be? Or it’s not null even though you set it to null? Or it’s null, but your checks (lobbyView != null) to ensure that you don’t access a null variable aren’t working correctly?




Level 4

Sasha, just to be a bit more clear, I'm actually *assuming* that "lobbyView" is null when we don't expect it to be. Because when we do this:

1) lobbyView = null;

2) load the teacher UI, this fails to render to the coach; but the student sees the video stream / audio coming from the coach

When we comment out the lobbyView being set to null:

1) //lobbyView = null;

2) load the UI  -  renders to coach just fine...

Everything in our code references lobbyView as such:

if (lobbyView) {

     ... do stuff to lobbyView ...



Level 3

Well, assuming the problem lies in the disconnect between your null check and the actual state of the lobbyView variable, I might try making the check explicitly for null, so if (lobbyView != null) rather than if (lobbyView). Not that these shouldn’t be equivalent in this case, but I’m not sure what else could have changed between player 10.3 and 11. I’ll also try to ask around the runtime team and see if they have any ideas.



Level 4

Just wanted to follow up and close this thread:

We got a fix in by cleaning up other code that creates a new lobbyView twice ( unnecessarily ). We still don't have a good understanding of the nulled object causing issues the way it has, but at least it's cleaned up now in other ways.

Thanks for your help