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Dynamically populate a second field after populating the first


Level 2


I'm extremely new with Adobe LiveCycle and just wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue that I'm facing at the moment.

I'm trying to create an online form that contains some input fields (name, address, country and state) which also includes two drop down lists. The second drop down list will show items based on what has been selected from the first drop down list.E.g. If I select country.. state list will show states for that particular country.

I tried many many websites and also the help file but I'm still very confused with the data connection/binding bit.

This is exactly what I'm looking to do - to dynamically populate a second field after populating the first: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/designerHelp/index.htm?content=000595.html, but I'm stuck with the below:

  • Ensure you are connected to a data source that describes the data to which form object properties will be bound. See Connecting to a data source.
  • To test the form with sample data, ensure you are pointing to a data file that has data defined for the form object property. See To preview a form using sample data.
  • I don't quite understand what's a data source and how to bind the info (I've been adding list items in the object palette....and not sure how to do a data connection). I hope someone would be able to provide me an overview or point me to a direction where I might be able to find more info.

    Thanks in advance,


    2 Replies


    Level 2

    Hi Bibhu,

    Thanks for your reply and the links =)

