We have created a form in LiveCycle 9.0 targeting Acrobat 9.0 or higher. This form has a signature field. When the signature is entered, a number of calculated fields are filled, the form is locked and the signature created. At this point, the signature shows up as completely valid. When the form is saved and reopened, Acrobat shows that “some signatures require validation.” When the user clicks “Validate All” the signature shows as valid but with post signature property changes. The only thing that shows changes is the Signature Field itself.
How can we avoid having this appear to be a post-signing change?
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When the signature is entered, a number of calculated fields are filled, the form is locked and the signature created
Can you please elaborate on this? What is meant by signature entered and then signature created?
If there are any changes made to PDF after digital signature is applied , PDF tells users that there are some changes that are made to PDF after signature has been applied , If these changes are allowed by signature then the signature would still be shown as valid.
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I can give a partial answer. I'm the user having the issue. It looks like the form is doing almost all its calculations before applying the signature, which is good. When I go to validate the signature in Acrobat, I see one signed version that is valid, but I also get a warning that there is a version in which one field's properties have changed. That field appears to be the signature itself. This seems to result from reopening the file and validating the signature; which of course I have to do to see if it is valid. I'd rather not have to suffix every instruction with "its ok to ignore the property change on the signature field..."
Maybe the developer can fill in the details of the sequence of events, etc.
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In the JavaScript for the Signature Field - in both Enter and Initialize I have it checking all the required fields to make sure that they are filled out. If not, then there is an app.alert and the Signature Field remains "read only." Once all of the required fields are filled out, the Signature Field is "open". Here is what is under preSign in the Signature Field:
myScriptObject.LockAllFields(vetInspection, "Lock"); //Locks all fields
buttons.submit.presence="visible"; //button is active to submit form
buttons.print.presence="visible"; //button is active to print form
var d = new Date();
idDate.rawValue = Math.floor(d / 1000); //this generates a unique certificate number
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