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Creating "if then" statements for a "promo code"


Level 2


Currently I have numerous CheckBoxes that all have associated values (lets say 50, 100, 200) and I have a NumericalBox that sums the selected CheckBoxes by using the FormCalc code "Sum(CheckBox1,CheckBox2......)

That works great, but now I want to have conditions on the code by using "if then statements" or something of the sort.  For example, can I have a TextField and when certain values are entered into the TextField there are effects on the NumericalBox?

So potentially,

if raw.value of TextField1 = "discount" 

then NumericalBox1 subtract 50

If I could do this all in FormCalc that would be great because it is much faster than Javascript.

Thank you

1 Reply


Level 10

Did you try this..

if (TextField1.rawValue == "discount")then

     NumericField1.rawValue =  NumericField1-50;


