I am using script to build the email.: var cEmailURL = "mailto:" + cToAddr + "?cc=" + cCCAddr + "&subject=" + cSubLine + "&body=" + cBody; I am using a field's content for the body. If someone puts the "&" character in the field, the rest of the content is truncated from the email body. Anyway around that?
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You woudl have to use the hex equivalent .....I do not know what the hex fo & is off the top of my head but other examples are %0A%0D
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So, if user puts in the following " Black & White". What does the script need to do to convert it so it doesn't turncate the "& White"? Or are you saying the user has to put in the hex equivalent - which unfortunately I can't control?
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You woudl have to parse the input looking for special chars (like &) and then replace them with the hex codes before doing the email command.
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Is there an example I can look at to see how to do that? Thanks.
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I don't have one ...I woudl have to create one .....maybe someone else has something similar. I will not be able to get to it until the end of the week if no one responds by then.
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Thank you Paul.. So far, no answers
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I am just suggesting this based on a requirement that we had to take the saved path (full file name and directory) of the file are create a url. We were replacing spaces " " with %20.
I would have thought that it would work in your case as well.
var wordArray = textField1.split("&"); // looks for & in the field
var wordIndex = wordArray.length;
var cBody = "";
for (i=0; i < wordIndex; i++)
cBody += wordArray[i] + "and"; // replaces & with and
This is only looking at a single variable "&", I am sure you could construct a more complex one. Also I haven't tested it, but it should work.
Good luck,
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I was implementing this in a new form and realised that in the example I gave above, I was missing the .rawValue. It should read:
var vYourField = textfield1.rawValue;
var wordArray = vYourField.split("&"); // looks for & in the field
var wordIndex = wordArray.length;
var cBody = "";
for (i=0; i < wordIndex; i++)
cBody += wordArray[i] + "and"; // replaces & with and
Hope this helps ;-)
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Ok this issue has been sitting long enough .....I had a look and here is what I found out. To be able to use reserved chars you must use a value escaped by a % sign. So for an & you need a %26. So the expression for Black and White woudl be Black%26White. This woudl be accomplished by searching through the string and replacing the & with %26 and all woudl be good. If you put this URL in the browser it will work fine:
BUT WAIT ......I tried to do the same thing from the PDF and found that the %26 was not being interpretted correctly and I get the same results that you are seeing. If I use other chars like %25 you get the % symbol coming through without issue. So the technique is soound but I believe that there is a bug in how Acrobat passes the command to the email client. So I changed the way that we are calling the email and got it to work. I abandoned the mailto way and went with the Acroform way. I created a sample for you to follow. Have a look and let me know what you think. In the meantime I will open a bug on the mailto issue.
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